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Our pure white starlit dancefloors look breath taking when set in place, adding that extra bit of elegance to your special day.

Opting for our starlit dancefloors means the lights can be set in either static or twinkle modes. Sparkling away whilst your guests watch your first dance.

We can even control the speed of the sparkling to suit the mood of your event or first dance.

We can provide these amazing dancefloors in a variety of sizes starting from 2ft sections. Meaning we can transform any area into a magical breath taking dancefloor perfect for those all important First Dance photographs and for partying the night away.

Each floor is delivered on time, polished and left gleaming by our team of professionals that love these floors, and ensure that they are perfect for your special day.

The average set up time in about 40 minutes, however this can vary depending on the size needed, nevertheless the floor will be set up and gleaming and ready well before your first guests arrive.